Minggu, 02 Agustus 2015

My unforgettable experience

Jadi saat memasuki perkuliahan pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di semester 2 kemarin, dosen menyuruh kami untuk membuat descripsi tentang pengalaman yang tak pernah dilupakan dalam hidup ini. Entah itu pengalaman romantis, memalukan, lucu, menyedihkan dan sebagainya. Karena ada tuntutan seperti itulah maka saya membuat sebuah pengalaman yang benar-benar tak bisa saya lupakan (dalam Bahasa Inggris) dan deskripsi pengalam tersebut adalah :
Unforgettable Experience

Three years ago, when I be one of committee training Young Red Cross in regerency Pandeglang, I have accident that so embarrassing and unforgetteable.
When the participants finished break fast, we as committee direct they for clean  a building that they occupy. I’m join with them for clean building, but only moment I enter the building, I’m fall down lying at beside door, lucky nothing who saw. A few minutes later, I’m fall again with position lie prone in front of the participants. Oh NO… !!! Its SO EMBARRASSING ! Slowly the participants help me for stand and ask how my condition, and I say “ I’m okay “ with smile. That real its so sick, notably in the foot.
Closing ceremony and inaouguration will begins. Me and the committee other began to busy prepare ceremony, started from sound system, chairs, and so on. And while’s busy, one more I’m FALL !! I’m fall again ! Arggghh.. embarrassing !! I’m fall on gutter. Half of my left foot enter into. Luckily the gutter dry and nothing garbage. The committee and participants that see accidents just laughing happy, and suddenly I too laugh until cry. I cried not because fun or more laughing , but because cover up a shame and sick. My friends help me for stand again, and she’s ask how my condition and I just say “ I’m okay, thanks”. And then she’s help me walked at podium with foot step a little hobble.
It’s Unforgettable Experience, fall many times publicly in big events and formal. And if I meet with them that previously be committee or participants, they always say “Careful fall again” with laugh.

Nama               : Nur Alifa Adiratna
NIM                : 2227132345
Prodi               : PGSD
Kelas               : II / D
Tahun pengumpulan 2014

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